Easiest way to mount a red dot on your handgun
Tactical advantage is all about options, and with a Sight Mount rear sight on your handgun, you have the freedom to choose. On its own, Sight Mount is a typical 2 dot rear sight, but it is also 6 lugs of MilSpec Picatinny rail giving you a mounting platform for rear sight options. Open sights, a small red dot sight, even a small visible or IR laser. With Sight Mount the choice is yours.
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Currently Available For:
Glock: All full and mid size. Smith & Wesson: M&P, Shield, Compact. Springfield: XD, XDM, XD Mod 2.
Beretta: 92/96 FS, G, D, Brigadier, M9, 90-Two, PX-4 full and mid size, Elite, M9a1, M9a3, Centurion, Compact, 22 conversion upper.
Sig Sauer: 2022, 220, 226, 227, 229, 239 ,P320, P238, P938. 1911: Those with GI sights. Walther: PPQ, PPQ Mod 2, PPS, PPS Mod 2, PPX, P99, Creed. Ruger: American
All Inventory models are $89.99
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I was looking for something better than just a dovetail mount and less permanent (and costly) than milling the slide. I like that your mount does not just replace the rear sight…it IS the rear sight when the optic is removed. A simple yet great idea! Craig
Since I mounted the optics on my Walthers with your rails, I have dramatically improved in my local Steel Challenge league. 2nd place (out of 17) in the recently completed center-fire session. Thanks so much! Chip
Well made product that created a simple but unique solution to a common problem. Gives you a functioning rear sight when you remove your RDS. If you’re having doubts, just get it. Yup. It is that good. Matt
The quick and easy attachment/detachment of a red dot to Sight Mount means that it is definitely worth you looking into these sights to see if they can meet your needs. I would say if you have been contemplating a red dot sight make Sight Mount your base platform. James
I wanted to give you some feedback on my recent slide mount. I LOVE IT! You did a fantastic job, and this 22 mag is now my favorite gun to shoot by far. Bob
Sight Mount Gunsights LLC
PO Box 13
Sweet Home OR 97386